Accelerated Examination Finally Available in France!
The French Patent Office (INPI) is now accepting request for accelerated examination for certain French patent applications or utility certificates. Applications requested for accelerated examination may now be issued within 20 months from filing instead of the usual 30 to 40 months from filing.
To qualify for accelerated examination, application and request must meet the following two conditions:
- Application must be or has been filed electronically via E-PROCEDURES; and
- Request for accelerated examination must be made within 10 months of filing and include a request for early publication of application (earlier than 18 months from priority or filing).
Please Note:
- Accelerated Examination is available for any French application whether filed under priority or as a first filing with the French Patent Office as long as no secrecy order has been placed on the application; and
- Accelerated examination at the French Patent Office is free.
Source of Information
France; Accelerated Examination; Patent Application; Utility Certificate