World’s Largest Trademark Database, Tmview, Is Now Providing Japanese Trademark Information

The world’s largest free trademark database, TMview, is now providing information of trademark application and registration of Japan. With the search tool in Japanese, Japanese users can search all foreign trademark information more conveniently and can formulate global branding strategy more effectively.

  1. Background

As enterprise activity globalizes, when a new brand is to be launched globally, trademark registration needs to be obtained in every country first. As a result, trademark applications/trademark registrations of every country must be investigated first. However, this is time-consuming and very costly.

Under the cooperative framework called the TM5 (the five trademark offices cooperation), which comprises the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC), and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the JPO has dedicated in the development of an environment where trademarks of every country of the world can be adequately protected. Due to the joint statement of the third TM5 meeting in December 2014, TMview has started to provide trademark information of the JPO since 2015.

  1. Japan Trademark Information provided by TMview

Due to the aforementioned joint statement, TMview has started to provide Japan trademark information since November 23, 2015. The information provided include detailed and updated trademark application information, trademark registration information, trademark examination information, and image information owned by the JPO. In addition, TMview has also provided Japanese search tool. As a result, when Japanese users consider developing a global brand, Japanese users can search the free TMview for global trademark application/registration information more conveniently and can formulate global branding strategy more effectively.


Source of Data:

Japan Patent Office


Keywords: Japan; TMview; trademark; the five trademark offices cooperation; TM5